Thursday, November 13, 2014

Exercise 4

Habitat magazine is a magazine that will consist of healthy eating habits. It will address a very serious tone concerning todays most important issues related to food. Some Issues that will be addressed are from hunger to how to get into that routine of eating fresh foods. The theme for this magazine will be fresh urban food, showing a very attractive side of eating organic. The topics will be very concrete and realistic. The colors and the type will be very bright and bold, associated with the organic feel that hopefully will reflect some emotional feel of wanting to eat organic food. My target audience will consist of people who recently got married, to older people who are retired and enjoy going to the local markets. The magazine will be a twelve-page spread. Ranking from the ages of 25 to 55. Groups that won’t be reading Habitat magazine will be Athletes or college students. My competitors are Urban Farm and Clean Eating magazines.

1 comment:

  1. Jean - You seem to be all over the map with your target audience. I suggest you choose a more specific audience than what you've described here. Instead of an age range from 25 to 55, which is an extremely difference group of people, please decide on a smaller group of people whom you can describe in your brief easily.

    You could talk just to young families (who are concerned about their environment for the sake of their children), you could talk to middle-aged athletes who realize their bodies are no longer young and want to retain their youthful vigor with healthy living, you could talk to college students who are looking to establish themselves in their careers and a healthy lifestyle, you could talk to newly married couples just setting up a household and wanting to be environmentally friendly in their purchasing decisions. Each one of these groups is very different from the other, and would require you to select different types of articles to use in this magazine.

    Understanding your group will allow you to use what you know about them to help guide you in the type of images, colors, and fonts you'll be using.

    So - don't try to talk to everyone with your designs... the magazine will not be cohesive, nor will it appear that your conceptual ideas have consistency. Make sense? Choose a more specific audience, and tell us what competitors Habitat Magazine has in the current market... actually - go read the feedback I gave Tobias and you'll see the questions I put on the board last week to help guide you in writing your brief.
