Habitat Magazine is a magazine positioned to thrill and
inform those who are looking for the raw facts and occasional opinion behind
some of today’s most pressing food topics. Straying away from the hunger driven
food magazines that currently clog the shelves and your arteries. Habitat
Magazine branches out into the previously unexplored territory of unbiased and direct,
food facts.
T - this is written in an edgy, irreverent way that makes me think the design will enhance the content to become even more controversial than the voice it was written in. Excellent!!
ReplyDeleteIn class I put this list on the board to help in the conceptualizing of the design, and the writing of this brief. Because you weren't there - I'll give it to you here. I hope it helps you add more information to the brief... it's a bit too brief currently.
1. What is the publication's subject matter (you've answered this).
2. Into how many parts will the information be broken. What are the parts? (this is about the dummy layout and the additional content that you will add)
3. Is the subject organic or manmade? Concrete or abstract?
4. What colors are associated with the subject matter (literal and emotional)?
5. Who is going to read this? Who is not going to read this?
6. What other publications already exist about the subject?