Tuesday, November 25, 2014

original and revised copy of cover and department article.
Original Cover:
Revised Cover:

Original Department:
Revised Department:


  1. Tori - because you have "left over" space in lower right of the page, and because some of the text lines that wrap around the circle only have, in many cases, only 1 word - I suggest you move the circle image to the right and bleed it off so it doesn't invade the middle text column so much - and fills that empty space. You may also need to increase the size of your photos to help the page "fill out."

    I enjoy the experimentation you are doing with the 90 degree heading of the article. Please also add a Department icon (what should this Department be named?).

    Keep up the good work. Can you meet me again at 10am before class next week? We'll take a look at some of the ways to build your page layouts.

  2. Cover - sorry, I forgot to give you some feedback on your covers. Big improvement in image!

    Not sure the word "magazine" has found its place yet. Sitting directly below the "A", and touching it... doesn't seem to be done with any particular purpose. And, it doesn't work as well as it needs to work. It creates a combined shape with that "A" and draws our eye... and we think... why? It isn't clear why these 2 elements are combined, and so we'll assume it is a mistake. So... keep thinking.

    Please consider the b;lock of text at bottom as "shapes" within the photo. Find the edges of that empty area in the photo... and experiment with your text size and position so it sits within this area comfortably with neg space as a cushion around them. Don't allow it to invade or overlap the image - instead keep it comfortably inside that area.

    The issue title needs to appear first, so consider breaking it into 2 lines so it fits where "The New Face of Hunger" is presently. Style the taglines to sit below the title.

    This is improving!
