Thursday, November 20, 2014

Cover&pages redesign_Rich


  1. Rich - these have advanced quite well, and your attention to typographic detail is more consistent than in previous versions. Good.

    A few things:

    You need to create a department title for this section, and design a small icon that can be used for it. You have plenty of room at the top of the page for this. Please look at department page examples in existing magazines tomorrow in class, and let me know if you have questions about this important page element.

    A small inconsistency exists in the negative space below the "Algae" section in your Department.

    Does this image ADD VALUE to the visual message you are designing? I don't think so... a basket of veggies is too general a photo to be meaningful here. Please read the content again and replace the image with something more supportive of the content. However - it would be nice to find an image that could be used in a similar way to the one you have in place - since its position in the composition works well.

    I notice that you have added a page folio "14" to the bottom right side of the page. I'm assuming you intend for this to be the outside edge of the page. Hmmm... tell me, is the first page of a book a left or right? Answer: Right hand page. So, every right hand page in the book will be an odd number, and all left hand pages will be even. It means if you leave the folio here, it changes to 15 (or 13, or 11, or 9) and the page sits on the right side of a spread.

    We discussed these issues in class lately - were you not there? Best not to miss anymore classes I think.

  2. I really like your type treatment on the cover, but I would rethink using a transparent logo. I feel it makes the logo recede into the image. That being said, I think it works well on the issue title. I'm interested to see how else you could position the other callouts on the cover. Other than aligning them along the bottom.

    It's just a small thing, but you have a hairline gap between the image and the background color on your article spread.
