Thursday, October 23, 2014

Department Layouts - Tobias

All three of these layouts were created with simplicity and structure in mind. Aimed at those with passion for facts, and the science behind food. The layouts are not intended to make the audience hungry (like most food magazines) but to encourage the absorption of food knowledge.

A - 3 column grid
I choose to convey a light and futuristic feel with this layout. The structure allows for an easy transition from week to week as the department articles change. The title 'The Dinner Table' is meant convey the analogy of having a daily sit down talk at dinner with the weekly articles of the department. The articles and ideas may change but it is something you can count on to reoccur each week.

B - 4 column grid
Still focusing on being visually light, this layout introduces added whitespace and a title change. 'This Week' would remain each week, while 'In The Future' would change depending on the topics associated with that weeks department articles.

C - 5 column grid
In my custom grid system, the main copy gets a font change. By changing from Chaparral to Rockwell, it gives off the sense of visual durability and strength. This is done without sacrificing the lightweight feel of the overall design. The geometric shapes and qualities of Futura work with this idea.


  1. I really like how you used the grid especially grid a. The way you separated the intro paragraphs from the rest draws me in. On grid c I enjoy the use of squares

  2. Great work Tobias; I can tell working with white space is one of your specialties!

    Here's my take on all of your layouts:

    Layout 1: For this one, the ragging of the italicized 'body' is beautiful! However, my concern is that italicized type tends to be applied 'to emphasize points'! Besides, try applying the footer as the header instead and see what happens; I think there's too little of breathing room between the last paragraph of 'FUTURE OF FARMS' and the footer - plus there's plenty of space on your header! I also think that your sub-headers, the ones like LAB BURGERS, is somewhat static at the moment - try a different color or style to see what happens! For the December 2015 header, I cant't tell if that's supposed to be sub-header! If it is, you may want to try utilizing a style similar to it for your 'blue subheaders' and see what happens! I give you perks on this layout though for exploring different ways of flushing your text!

    Layout 2: One word…clean! The body text is smooth and has little hyphens in it! The placement of your photos creates a nice balance to this layout. For the headers and sub-headers, same thing with your first layout - experiment with color or style to create interest! Nice job for 'breaking outside of the flush left'!

    Layout 3: GREAT! However, you may want to try swapping the placement of the text and the image for easier reading to the body text! When I read it right now, it's taking me to the text in the yellow box; just being downright honest here! The 'squared bullets' applied to your subheads are quite fascinating as it's an extraordinary element which could actually comfort the reader's eye to read I think! Regarding the emphasis of the headers and subheads, the main headline is beautiful! For the subhead and the smaller ones, it's the opposite of your first layout regarding their style, which does build interest or emphasis I think! Just try a little color on either one though - a minor nit-pick! The body text has a smooth flow for the most part - just try reducing the leading on the text for "The Future of Farms"; it will create a little more breathing space between the last paragraph and the footer!

    These layouts look great so far! In fact, it made me regret for not exploring enough possibilities regarding using more than one column for text throughout my earlier layouts! Again, this is just practice! Good start!

  3. Great work!! tobias I really enjoy the third one is nice and simple, i love the color palette. The shape really bring this design to life and it also give it structure which it make easier tor read

  4. Tobias - I appreciate your explanations above each of your designs, it helps me understand your goals for each one. They are all quite nice, and show a wide range of approaches:

    Grid A is quite serious, with its clearly defined structure that is adhered too in a strict way. You don't break grid anywhere, and you have left quite a lot of structured negative space to help us "center" on the substance of the content. Content rules in this design - the primary function of concept... which means you have accomplished your stated goal.

    Grid B appears more contemporary, open to interpretation and emotional appeal with more color and images than the other 2. You have actually changed the grid structure that I've given you - and although I think it's quite interesting that there is now a wide gutter separating the articles, I question how this space might be better used rather than leaving it simply blank - how could you use this wide vertical space in a way that would develop the design?

    My worry is that if left as is, this will divide the design in a way that works against the unity of the page. That is why, most often, the gutters between columns are thinner than the margins around the page - allowing the margins to act like a frame, holding all elements together.

    So - how can you use this thin column? captions? pull quotes? directionals?

    I am not suggesting your "fill" the column - but rather consider how it can serve your design.

    I believe this grid is my preference, because I can foresee you doing some quite wonderful things with it.

    Grid C - We are back to straight forward, content-driven design (which you have stated is your goal). In fact I can see an audience of systems engineers, statisticians, and stock brokers being very comfortable with this design. Images are secondary, content is primary... and I say this because if you chose this one to move forward with, it may actually need more content to fulfill what you have begun.

    BTW - your headlines are well thought out for department title repetition.. but I have to say the play on words that I see in "This Week: In the Future" is quite clever and will be memorable to the reader.

  5. I like all of your grids, they shows a very clear and defined structure that works. I also like that you have some white space that lets our eyes rest. Very good Job!

  6. I could instantly tell Tobias designed these. Very clean design, very structured, and they all have whitespace for days. I really enjoy what you did with the five-column grid especially. If I could change one small thing... I feel it would be best to remove the hyphens on grids B and C.

  7. I'm really enjoying Tobias's approach here, the layout and organization of the text; inclines me to want to dive in and begin reading on its own. Great choice of colors i think your palette works well together

  8. All of your layouts are easily readable and make reading it enjoyable. Everything on each page flows correctly and you know exactly what to read first. I especially enjoy the color scheme for Grid A, it is very calming and mellow. Good job!
