Thursday, October 30, 2014

Exercise 2

I choose The Next Green Revolution as my magazine, I focused in getting a structural grids to show a very informative design. I also added different color palattes to show contrast.  


  1. Very nice. Easy to read section titles and your use of passthrough color from the artwork to the layout looks very elegant. Your verbiage has nice spacing between paragraphs and within paragraphs. My concerns would be on the third layout the black lock of text. This does not flow with the previous two layouts. I would recommend removing that black box; doing so may allow the third spread to maintain the look and feel of the previous two.

  2. Jean - your color palette for the article is quite nice, and the curved element is interesting. Layout thoughts:

    I don't understand why you are repeating the title of the article twice, and I can also see where you are repeating some of the content. Do you not feel like you have enough content? Please read the printout of this article that I gave you an a handout, and make sure you are using the content as it is written. I DO allow you to cut the type were needed... but what I am seeing on these pages doesn't make sense in terms of content flow.

    This layout is for a spread design, which means 2 pages side by side - as I have given you in the template for this Exercise 2. Did you use my template? If you had, I think I would be seeing a much larger gutter margin than I see here. The columns that are in the middle of this spread design appear, currently, to be much too close together to make this a viable print project. Please make sure you are using the correct template that I've created for your use. (Each exercise has its own template to be used).

    Images - this flowing curve is lovely, but is it enough to engage the reader? I encourage you to use additional imagery, maybe silhouettes of food sitting on top of the curved line? Please consider this - I think it is important to the success of the design.

    So - Use the template for this exercise, revisit the text content and make sure you are using what you have been given for The Next Green Revolution and cutting type but not repeating it (unless for a pull quote), and design with it in the order in which it sits in the file. You will have less text for the spread, but this will give you room for some much needed imagery.

    I hope you hold onto your your general design approach that we see here, and I'll look forward to seeing which of the 3 grid designs you choose to mover forward with.
