Thursday, October 30, 2014

Blodgett Exersize #2

Two-Column Even

Two-Column Un-even

Two Column with Custom Margins


  1. I see you have used this exercise to experiment with the way the body type lays within the grid and within each other. I enjoy your choice and green. The withe and black against it is very crisp. Though not all of these are completely successful they are fun and take risks. My favorite headline is "c". My favorite overall design would have to be "a". "B" is just a little on the safe side.

  2. Blodgett, I really like your layouts. The green blocks and bold large text really works. I would simple yet engaging. My concerns would be that of the text. The verbiage is really close together. I would consider adding more space between paragraphs and possibly even more text within the paragraphs between lines.

  3. I agree with Ruby the experimentation is nice, I like the over color choices, I would have like to seem some imagery in at least one of the layouts, to breakup the similarity of them and possibly create contrast in your design approach which could have yielded a different end product.

  4. Branin - because I'm going to encourage you to use images for this feature... I'm going to give you feedback about Grid B, which contains the most creative approach to page layout (in my opinion), has left room for imagery and would benefit from its use. The other designs would need to shift more dramatically to allow space for images.

    Using imagery is important, after all - it will be flowing onto 3-5 pages, and so images will have to be used at some point. The initial opening spread would be the place to begin their use, not later in the article.

    The heading on Grid B is well designed, and sits in an unusual position on the spread - quite nice. Taking this to the next step, it is easy to see how it might work well if a horizontal image was added and sat directly to its left, bleeding in from the left-hand trim edge. I encourage you to consider this solution and then see where it takes you.

    I agree with others, the body text seems a bit dense when it sits in a long unbroken column. How can you lighten this up a bit? Use a larger and/or contrasting font for the intro paragraphs? Use "space afte" body copy paragraphs? Find an irregular-shaped image that could be silhouetted and force the text to wrap in an interesting way? Pull quotes? Additional elements are needed to help break up the page and columns of body copy.

    Great typographic work, bring that same level of attention to the relationships you could build between type and images and you'll have a great opening spread for your feature.
